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New posts in java-native-interface

Best way to define javah task in gradle

android mupdf libmupdf.so runtime error "No implementation found for native openFile"

Create java native method for constructor

Java app calls C++ DLL via JNI; how best to allocate memory?

JNI DeleteLocalRef Clarification

c++ java-native-interface

Load library from jar

How to properly pass an asset FileDescriptor to FFmpeg using JNI in Android

How to identify the cause of a JNI global reference memory leak?

Get an Array of Strings from Java to C++ JNI

javac "no source files" when using -h option

portable statement to load JNI library from a different directory using relative pathname?

OpenCV nMatToBitmap Assertion Failed

Linux, cancel blocking read()

Java Native Access doesn't do C++, right?

How to return int array from Java to JNI

Passing a string to C-code in Android NDK

Android.mk file - including all source files in different folders and subfolders

How to find JDK directory in Ubuntu for JNI C/C++ library

faster Math.exp() via JNI?