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New posts in java-16

Regex \p{Cs} not matching symbol in Java 16

java regex java-11 java-16

Install Java 16 on Raspberry Pi 4

Constructor annotation on java records

Why does Stream#toList's default implementation seem overcomplicated / suboptimal?

java java-stream java-16

Java 16 pattern matching problem with Switch in Intellij IDEA 2020.3.3 (Expression expected)

IOException in Java 8 when reading PKCS12 keystore created with keytool from OpenJDK16

java ssl keytool java-16

Java records and field comments

How to use @ConfigurationProperties with Records?

Paths.get() / Path.of() throws NullPointerException on upgrade to Java 16

java path java-16

IntelliJ JDK 16 Early Access - Any Success? tools.jar

java intellij-idea java-16

Why can a Java record's canonical constructor not have more restrictive access than the record level?

java java-record java-16

Record cannot get parameter names from constructors?

java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError with Java-16 | j.l.ClassFormatError accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module

java cglib java-16

How can I assert hasProperty with a Java Record?

Enforce immutable collections in a Java record?

Differences of Java 16's Stream.toList() and Stream.collect(Collectors.toList())?

Why can't I use Stream#toList to collect a list of a class' interface in Java 16?

Why does IndexOutOfBoundsException now have a constructor with a long index as a parameter in Java 16?

Switch expression with void return type