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New posts in jasper-reports

Best fit curve for trend line

minimum dependencies for JasperReports

Print When (last element reached) Expression in JasperReports

formatting jasper-reports

how to preserve image quality after adding it to a jasperreport(created in iReport)?

directly embedded subreport in JasperReports

How to use a java Hashmap as variable in JasperReport

How to pass parameters in crosstab?

jasper-reports crosstab

How can I add custom fonts on Maven for Jasper Reports

Preserve XML comments in iReport .jrxml files?

jasper-reports ireport

How to stretch text field on multiple pages in Jasper Reports?

jasper-reports ireport

JasperReports list + each record on new page

JasperReport: How to use subreport return values as input for Main Report Variable Calculation

Field name with dot in Json datasource using ireport

Show Chart with no Table

how to display page x of y in jasper report 5.5.1 in "single textfield" its giving alignment issue?


JRProperties became deprecated, recommended way of replacing

java jasper-reports

Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser
