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How to pass parameters in crosstab?

Can anyone tell me, how to pass parameters to crosstab?

like image 460
lee Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 19:11


1 Answers

I use Jaspersoft Studio (5.6.2) for designing the reports.

  1. select the crosstab, in the report it is placed. Then goto properties. Then select the tab Advanced. Here you can find the property -Parameters Map Expression-, as value you put what Stoian writes above: $P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}

  2. Make sure you have a parameter created with the same name you want to use in the crosstab, in the report the crosstab is placed. Put nothing in the -Default Value Expression- if the value is comming from a parent subreport.

  3. in the crosstab (by double clicking on it) goto the Outline. Here you find Parameters, I also created a parameter here with the same name, setting the -Default Value Expression- to the $P{ here you put the name of the parameter you used in point 2 }

seems to work

like image 77
Mike Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 04:12
