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Angular 2 + Jasmine - Test whether an element is visible

I can't test the visibility of elements rendered in my backbone view

karma + jasmine, ReferenceError: browser is not defined

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope Error

Testing a component, which depends on a route param

[email protected] requires a peer of jasmine@>=3 but none is installed.

Jasmine unit test for file size with TypeScript in Angular

Angular & Jasmine Unit Test change event for input[type="file"]

Testing controller with injected service inside angularJS with jasmine

How do I spy on a controller method using Jasmine?

angularjs jasmine

what done() is for and how to use it ( protractor, jasmine)

jasmine protractor

how to check button is disable or not in angular?

Anyone have a working Jasmine unittest that runs in Resharper 7 EAP?

What's the meaning of "it()" in Jasmine?


How do you reference external libraries with Jasmine + Resharper

Angular + Karma: Testing async functions

grunt jasmine-node tests are running twice

"Error: Mismatched anonymous define()" with Karma + RequireJS + Jasmine

Why Karma is showing Range error?

Mock AngularFireAuth When Unit Testing an Angular Service