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"Project coverage is set to 0%" – JaCoCo and Sonar in Jenkins with Ant

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Could not find method jacocoTestCoverageVerification()

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How to get Jenkins to exclude entire folders from code coverage?

Gradle Jacoco plugin not generating reports

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Jacoco code coverage 0% in Android-kotlin project

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Cobertura : how to cover spring-data @Repository interfaces

Jenkins and JaCoCo with sbt

Android Gradle Jacoco: offline instrumentation for integration tests

Android Studio : Could not find org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins.JacocoPluginExtension_Decorated

SonarQube - no JaCoCo execution data has been dumped

How do I make Jenkins, Sonar and the JaCoCo plugin work together for Eclipse Tycho Plugin Projects (or maybe Cobertura)?

Is prepare-agent goal is necessary in jacoco-maven-plugin?

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Why does stash/unstash not work in this Jenkinsfile?

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Jacoco: unable to read execution data file, ant task

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Android - Jacoco code coverage ignores Robolectric tests

Jacoco generate coverage report for only a single test class

How to exclude and include properly classes, packages and jar classes, lib from the jacoco report (Instrumentation offline)

Jacoco how to correctly exclude package

java maven jacoco