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New posts in ipython-notebook

Weird Terminator error when running Python 3 Turtle in OS X

Examples for ipython backends in other languages?

Matplotlib output not showing up inline in IPython Notebook despite --pylab inline option

Display multiple output tables in IPython notebook using Pandas

Troubleshooting Latex table from pandas dataframe to_latex()

synchronizing history when ipython notebook and console are connected to the same kernel

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How do I document the Jupyter Notebook Profile startup?

Cannot get python3 in Jupyter notebook

AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'version'

plotting a list of arrays with matplotlib

Can users edit the notebooks on a public notebook server?

python ipython-notebook

matplotlib.widget not working in ipython notebook

How do I reset MathJax settings in IPython?

Octave kernel for jupyter not working on windows 10

Installing a jupyter notebook extension

Different font settings for editing code and markdown cells in the Jupyter Notebook

How to make new cells in ipython notebook markdown by default?

How do I save .py files in IPython notebook with the .ipynb files

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Using the ipython notebook to produce engineering calcs

python ipython-notebook

Non-Python language syntax highlighting?
