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Is there an IPC transport implementation for Thrift ? or low latency SOA solutions

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Is Inter Process Communication possible between iOS applications using Sockets?

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D-Bus how to create and send a Dict?

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Forcing ~synchronous Node.js IPC

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Can multiple Wasm modules interact with each other and share memory directly via functions?

How can I handle IPC between C and Python?

python c ipc

Condition Variable in Shared Memory - is this code POSIX-conformant?

Can pods in Kubernetes see/access the processes of other containers running in the same pod?

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lock freedom/atomic operations across 2 processes instead of threads

Are there repercussions to having many processes write to a single reader on a named pipe in posix?

ipc posix named-pipes fifo

Does Parallel::ForkManager() module support synchronization on global variables?

How can a 32 bit process communicate with a 64 bit process in .NET?

.net 64-bit ipc remoting 32-bit

Map of <int, void*> in Shared Memory using Boost::interprocess

c++ boost ipc shared-memory

webContents.send and ipcRenderer.on Not Working

node.js events electron ipc

Saving the output of a child process in a variable in the parent in NodeJS

command to check status of message queue and shared memory in linux?

How can we configure master process when using PM2

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Send message from one running console app to another

c# .net ipc

IPC vs domain sock vs named pipes

c ipc system

Sharing HDC between different processes

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