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New posts in ios7

How to increase the height of UINavigationBar?

Make UITableViewHeaderFooterView non sticky

sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: deprecated in iOS7

uitableview ios7 deprecated

Privately sharing data between iOS apps that have different team IDs

ios ios7 uipasteboard

UISplitviewController white line between navigation bars

Preloading a database in iOS 7

ios objective-c core-data ios7

Transparent UITableViewCell flashing background when animating

Replace the deprecation sizeWithFont:minFontSIze:actualFontSize in ios 7

iphone ios7 uifont

Unpinch custom gesture recognizer with three fingers in iOS

CLLocationmanager delegate method is not working in xcode6 [duplicate]

Xcode5.1.1 and Xcode6 beta7 iOS7.1 64-bit [Allocator] Allocator invalid, falling back to malloc

ios xcode ios7

What's the proper way to include license text in Settings app under iOS 7?

ios plist ios7 settings.bundle

How to built and print a scannable Pass for Passbook in iOS7

ios7 qr-code passbook

.xcassets Support for older IOS versions

ios ios6 ios7 xcode5

iOS 7 added slide to the right to pop a view controller off the stack. Is it possible to add it back by sliding left?

start playing audio from a background task via AVAudioPlayer in Xcode

ios iphone objective-c ios7

Implementing pinch/double tap to zoom for a UIImage [duplicate]

Xcode continuously crashes given thread 1 exc_bad_access (code=2 address=0x8)

ios xcode ios7 crash xcode5

Tab bar item tint color

ios ios7 uitabbarcontroller

Leaving swipe to delete button open on uitableview cell then going back causes crash