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Tweetbot like shrink view transition

Client Certificate Authentication on iOS UIWebView Works on iOS 6.1 but not iOS 7

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Localized UITabBarItem "Back" title

iOS - Keep the old sqlite database while updating to new version

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Are there rate limits on silent push notifications in iOS 7?

Background sync in iOS7

Segue Push Animation with Clear Background is Flashing on iOS 7

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iOS 7 UIWebView 304 cache bug, blank pages

How to use AFNetworking 2 with Digest Authentication

Can AFNetworking handle a queue of requests?

How to Save Data When Using One ManagedObjectContext and PersistentStoreCoordinator with Two Stores

how to add UITabBarItem programmatically?

iOS job queue similar to Path's android priority job queue

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How to add artwork in audio file, to show in album cover?

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iOS 7: different navigation items for tab bar controller

iOS 7 NSURLSession Download multiple files in Background

What should I include in Xcode build settings in "Architectures" section

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Strange Behaviour with iAd Interstitial

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Set UINavigationBar height like in iOS 7 calendar app

Any way to install app to iPhone 4 with Xcode 8 beta?

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