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New posts in ios4

How do I animate a UIButton between two PNG images?

ios cocoa-touch ios4 uibutton

How to rename the folder name in xcode project with out corrupting the files

Not to update the subview with superview alpha value

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How to detect current iOS is 4.1 or 4.2? [duplicate]

iphone ios4

UIScrollView won't scroll!

how to get title of of row selected in UITableview

iphone objective-c ios4

Problem with Icon.png (Icon specified in the Info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper: Icon.png (-19007))

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Compose mail in the iPhone app

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Can in-app purchases be "gifted" in the App Store? [closed]

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What is the secret behind "contentScaleFactor" of UIView when used with CATiledLayer?

Can I remove previous versions of iphone support in DeviceSupport folder in Xcode 4?

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iPhone Simulator 3.x not listed after upgrading to XCode 3.2.3 Beta4 with OS 4.0

iphone xcode ios4

iPhone SDK 4 "Half curl page transition"

How should I architect my iPhone app to talk to my website?

Converting iPhone/iPad apps onto Android [closed]

Where is "upgrade target for ipad" in Xcode4

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why am I getting an "unknown type name NSManagedObjectContext" in this code?

UITableView delegate methods [closed]

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UIPopOverController for iPhone (currently only available for iPad)

UIWebView loadHTMLString shows blank screen

iphone ios4 uiwebview