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alternative for using slow DynamicInvoke on muticast delegate

Execution order of asynchronously invoked methods

What's the use of Invoke() in .net?

c# .net invoke

How to invoke a delegate with a null parameter?

Invoking System.Delegate class object in C#

ProcessStartInfo and Process in PowerShell - Authentication Error

Checking whether an `object[] args` satisfies a Delegate instance?

why does the method invoke() in InvocationHandler have an parameter Object proxy?

java dynamic proxy invoke

VB.net ApplicationFramework plus SplashScreen: InvalidOperationException

how to pass variable argument to exe?

Testing Exceptions using Java Reflection Junit4

java reflection junit4 invoke

List of delegates and invoking

c# asp.net delegates invoke

Should I use Invoke or SynchronizationContext to update form controls from another thread?

c# multithreading invoke

BeginInvoke with/without using MethodInvoker—does it make any difference?

What is the difference between pipeline.invoke and powershell.invoke?

c# powershell invoke pipeline

Inheritance and overloading in Java

Pass a bool Foo(params[]) as method Argument

c# .net-3.5 invoke

C# cast a class to an Interface List

c# interface casting invoke

How to get the methodname from a known method?

c# invoke method-names