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New posts in introspection

A better way to introspect a capture

raku introspection

Ruby method interception

ruby introspection

Calling a selector with unknown number of arguments using reflection / introspection

How to "see" the structure of an object in python

Print a variable selected by a random number

Is it possible to use Objective-C runtime features to determine where a method was called from?

How to print in REPL the code of functions in Julia?

julia introspection

How to determine the Java byte code version of the current class programatically? [duplicate]

java introspection bytecode

Can obj.__dict__ be inspected if the class has a __dict__ variable?

Find out if an object is a class object rather than an instance of a class

Is it possible to introspect the array's type in Objective-C Generics -- Xcode 7+

Lowlevel introspection in python3?

How can I check if a templated method was called at compile-time?

Using Cairo Regions in python with gi.repository

Hooking into function calls in php

D: function parameter name introspection

d introspection

How to introspect a function defined in a Cython C extension module

How to list dynamic and Compile-time variables in Raku [closed]

raku introspection

Checking at runtime if a class has a specific constructor that is using generics