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New posts in internationalization

Thai line breaking: how to break Thai text effectively

Django templates: Get current URL in another language

How can I change language of my application [duplicate]

How do I change the Development language in Xcode before internationalizing my app?

Internationalisation Django (on OSX)

Same string with different translation

Django templates: Best practice for translating text block with HTML in it

.NET: Are there any differences between InvariantCulture and en-US?

How to render narrow non-breaking spaces in HTML for Windows?

Using locale settings to detect wheter to use imperial units

intl package and date formatting strange behaviour

Why is "internationalization" shortened to "i18n"?

Use another I18n key in an I18n interpolation

What is a good definition for language code and locale codes?

Django: Display current locale in a template

Xcode Base internationalization doesn't work

Android: Get missing translations for strings-resources

How to translate active record model validations

How to use the I18n fallback features in Rails 3

String concatenation containing Arabic and Western characters