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New posts in internationalization

How to translate package content?

Is en_EN a valid language locale

Switch language in jinja template

l10n/i18n: how to handle phrases with dynamic list of items?

Internationalization in SSRS

Django i18n and SEO

Loading GWT Messages from a Database

Good source of country names in different languages? (for use in multilingual forms) [closed]

Django i18n: is there a gettext alternative?

How to get languages list in Android

Python gettext - not translating

Globalize3 multiple locale form

C# localization [duplicate]

Rails I18n nested translation keys

C#: Change the resource file without re-building?

How to sort Chinese strings by stroke in Java?

java internationalization

Spring ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource Message not found

What is a correct approach to using strong/em tags when localising strings?

Grails: how to collect all messages

Is "Use Base Internationalization" supported in iOS 5?