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C++: Enforcing template type implements a method

c++ templates interface

Casting between interfaces

java interface casting

How to use a user-defined-type in a Fortran interface

access the common methods from each objects by iterating through a list

javac "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" when the type is being specified

java types interface casting

How can I determine at runtime if an interface member is implemented?

c# interface implementation

I'm confused about default access modifier of C# interface members [duplicate]

c# interface clr

Does java support explicit interface implementation like c#? [duplicate]

c# java interface

Requirement to include reference to support an interface

c# interface

Clarify the concept of Multiple inheritance: Can a diamond structure issue occur?

Implementing multiple interfaces with same method signatures

java interface

Interface methods to return dynamic

c# interface dynamictype

How to reimplement Java listeners with anonymous classes in C#

java c# interface listener

Best Practice to define constant - inside class or inside interface? [closed]

java class interface constants

Understanding Java Interfaces Principles

What does an interface in Java interface with?

Why does this program involving a generic interface method compile?

Does not implement interface member issues

c# interface

Error using an Interface as a return type [Java]

java interface

Properties in an Interface

c# .net oop properties interface