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New posts in insert-update

how to update core data entered values

VBA-SQL UPDATE/INSERT/SELECT to/from Excel worksheet

sql excel insert-update vba

How does this SQL query to update a row if exists, or insert if not, work?

How can the INSERT ... ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE... syntax be used with a sequence ID?

Updating tables without naming all columns

How to insert JPEG into a SQL Server 2000 database field of image type using Transact SQL

PHP PDO simple insert or update function

php pdo insert-update

Create new or update existing entity at one go with JPA

jpa insert-update

Change entity using Hibernate PreInsertEventListener

notifyItemInserted() not working when inserting first item at zero index

MySQL INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... return "rows affected: 1", but no changes really

mysql insert-update

How to get the original value of changed fields?

JDBC insert or update practice

java jdbc insert-update

How do I force an INSERT into a table with a unique key if it's already in the table?

mysql insert-update upsert

How to improve INSERT performance on a very large MySQL table

Using insertWithOnConflict for update or insert

Mongodb Skip() and limit()

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE while inserting a result set from a query

How do I Insert or Update (or overwrite) a record using NHibernate?

PostgreSQL create a new column with values conditioned on other columns