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New posts in inotifycollectionchanged

What is the point of INotifyCollectionChanged in terms of databinding (C# WinRt)

Getting thread access exceptions on OnCollectionChanged after Creators Update

NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs Item Inaccessible

How do I update an IValueConverter on CollectionChanged?

EntityFramework EntityCollection Observing CollectionChanged

Observable LinkedList

INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged with DataTable?

How can an ObservableCollection fire a Replace action?

Replicating changes in a list

How does ObservableCollection<T>.Add work?

WPF: How do I hook into a ListView's ItemsSource CollectionChanged notification?

Why is there no ObservableKeyedCollection<TKey, TValue> in the .NET Framework?

Can I rollback collection changes on collection changed event?

How to create a custom observable collection using ConcurrentDictionary, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged

Observable Collection Notify when property changed in MVVM

CollectionChanged and IList of Items - why the difficulties

what is notifycollectionchangedaction reset value

Observable Stack and Queue

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?