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New posts in implicit-conversion

User-defined conversions sequence

Is it guaranteed that new Integer(i) == i in Java?

Classes with both template and non-template conversion operators in the condition of switch statement

How to tell if Type A is implicitly convertible to Type B

How can I determine if an implicit cast exists in C#?

Avoid or warn on implicit conversion from const char* to bool in GCC

More on implicit conversion operators and interfaces in C# (again)

Odd bit shifting behavior

What is the difference between double a = a + int b and int a += double b?

How to prevent implicit conversion from int to unsigned int?

Varying behavior for possible loss of precision

Why does calling Python's 'magic method' not do type conversion like it would for the corresponding operator?

Why implicitConversions is required for implicit defs but not classes?

What is the justification for this Nullable<T> behavior with implicit conversion operators

Why is this function call ambiguous?

What is the performance impact of Scala implicit type conversions?

Does Swift support implicit conversion?

How does implicit conversion work in Java?

Why is r-value reference constructor called in this case?

How do I easily convert from one collection type to another during a filter, map, flatMap in Scala?