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New posts in image-processing

How to plot a surface with a texture map

How Can I Remove Drastic Brightness Variations In A Video?

Unable to use multiplication with grayscale image matrix

Texture deforming, 4 points

java image-processing

Copy the center pixel value to the majority value in the block

What is the fastest way of edge detection?

OpenCV facedetect example won't load cascade classifier xml

Perspective correction of imageview

android image-processing

iOS: Values for CIFilter (Hue) from Photoshop

Smooth a bumpy circle

Keras ImageDataGenerator: problem with data and label shape

Will Perl be the bottleneck in this kind of image processing?

How to Convert .Jpeg images to .Bmp

image image-processing

Can we create n channel image in opencv,n will be around 20

opencv image-processing mat

Slicing a numpy image array into blocks

Chop 4 sides of image with Imagemagick

Is it possible to check orientation of an image before passing it through pytesseract ocr module

How to convert Bitmap to byte[,,] faster?

Setting color temperature for a given image (like in Photoshop)

CarrierWave + RMagick Square Crop?