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New posts in image-compression

Unable to create image from compressed texture data (S3TC)

How can I generalize the quantization matrix in JPEG compression?

Compressing png images using PHP [closed]

php image image-compression

JPG vs compressed JPG vs WEBP - why WEBP isn't the smallest one?

OSX: Execute same command on all files within a folder

Besides standard/progressive, the 3rd kind of JPEG compression: load by channel?

PHP Imagick JPEG Optimization

Compress image using sharp in node.js

why DCT transform is preferred over other transforms in video/image compression

Am I creating lossless PNG images?

Optimize uploaded images with php (jpeg)

Using SVD to compress an image in MATLAB

How to compress the image using gifsicle tool or any other tool on ubuntu

An Image Compression tool for windows similar to ImageOptim (of mac) [closed]

Compare source image against a bank of known images

Code Golf: 1x1 black pixel

Reduce the size of a bitmap to a specified size in Android

How to compress image size?

Setting jpg compression level with ImageIO in Java