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New posts in if-statement

How to simplify long list of similar if statements?

java if-statement

How can I compare a number with other numbers without writing them all out in C?

c if-statement trigonometry

Inline If statement - short-circuiting

Determining if a string contains a word [duplicate]

python if-statement

process.env.NODE_ENV not matching 'development' no matter what

Should I use an if or switch Statement? Objective-C

Is this multi line if statement too complex?

c# if-statement

How to create max method that gets 4 numbers and returns the maximum number?

Is there a better way of coping with Swift's nested "if let" "pyramid of doom?"

R-Project if else syntax [duplicate]

r if-statement syntax

Ruby -- If Elsif Else Error

ruby if-statement

How to check two LatLng values using if condition in google map api v3?

if(a,b,c,d) how does this work? [duplicate]

c if-statement

Code optimization; switch versus if's

Compound if statement using ?: operator in C [duplicate]

How to define a variable based on an if/then/else statement

What happens to an if statement not followed by curly braces? [closed]

Is it faster to return early or to let the code finish?

'if' not followed by conditional statement

JavaScript ternary if statement