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What is this C idiom (if (1))?

Using regexp in haskell function guards

regex haskell idioms

What does the code `[&]()` mean in c++? [duplicate]

c++ idioms

Idiomatic Scala way to deal with base vs derived class field names?

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Do the `if __name__ == "__main__": ` like idioms have a name of design pattern?

Should I be trying to create a reversible enum in Java or is there a better way?

java enums idioms

Android: Is there an idiom for Iterating through a SparseArray

android idioms sparse-array

Aggregating values in a data frame based on key

r idioms

Is this usage of Option idiomatic in F#?

f# idioms

Idiomatic Scala solution to imperative code

What features of Scala cannot be translated to Java?

java scala idioms

How do you rotate (circular shift) of a Scala collection

Good or Bad C++ Idiom - Objects used purely for constructor/destructor?

c++ idioms raii

Relearning C: New idioms? [closed]

c idioms

Why does such a struct contain two array fields containing only one element?

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Idiomatic exceptions for exiting loops in OCaml

Should we use Option or ptr::null to represent a null pointer in Rust?

null rust idioms

What are the implications of using def vs. val for constant values

Index iteration idiom

r iteration idioms

Is there an idiomatic way to get_or_create then update an object in Django?

django django-models idioms