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AngularJS / Ionic routing using $stateProvider - controller is not reloading the second time a state is called

What is Xamarin Test Cloud for?

How to remove all views except the login view in Ionic 2?

WKWebView wait for DOM rendering before triggering native code

Google analytics session linking between mobile app and webview

Does flutter SDK provide any framework to develop apps for Windows phone?

code share between web app and cordova app

Ionic framework and angularjs imgcache not working on iOS device

How to Sync Sqlite data to sql server using Cordova

JavaScript functionality for Android Studio

Image is not loading in <img> tag with ftp url

Background Service in apache cordova app

ionic build android error (:transformClassesWithDexForDebug)

Getting Device ID using JQuery or Javascript

Ionic Framework + Phonegap Build : workflow

Visual Studio, Ripple Emulator and CORS/Cross Domain Ajax