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New posts in httpwebrequest

HTTPWebRequest & After a while, 400 (Bad Request) starts

How do I specify a global HttpWebRequest timeout?

Discord OAuth Code Usage

400 Bad Request HTTP Response using a WCF POST via JQuery

HttpWebRequest doesn't seem to be sending a client SSL certificate

How to 'share' NTLM authentication across multiple HttpWebRequests?

How can I set the user-agent in the http header

HTTP Get Request in JQuery to Last.fm

How to read the Website content in c#?

Implementing extension method WebRequest.GetResponseAsync with support for CancellationToken

Reading data from url returns empty value

c# httpwebrequest

How do I use HttpClient PostAsync parameters properly?

Strict ordering of HTTP headers in HttpWebrequest

Is there a way to allow Google App Engine to send body or payload with a DELETE request?

Is there a way to change HttpWebRequest behavior on 400/500 status codes?

Handling Net::HTTP.get failures

Send an HTTP POST request with C#

HttpWebRequest and forms authentication in C#

How to emulate a real http request via cfhttp?
