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New posts in http-headers

Is it kosher to send a 404 or 410, but still show the content?

How to serve a .dmg file via PHP/readfile?

php http-headers readfile dmg

Something is forcing responses to have cache-control: private in IIS7

'Most conservative' conversion to GMT?

http http-headers rfc2616

How to disable browser caching in Vaadin

Setting headers on HttpServletResponse after writing response body

java servlets http-headers

Github API get the link header with ajax

PHP: if ($Name=='ProxiedIP') leads to 500 (Internal Server Error)

Content-Disposition Filename not working on IE

How to access ETag header with jQuery AJAX request?

How to disable X-Powered-By on OVH mutualized server using apache?

Can localstorage data be placed in the HTTP header?

Does a HTTP resource that accepts range requests always specify content-length?

http http-headers

Laravel Not Adding Custom Headers

php http laravel http-headers

Send HEAD request in Google App Script

Django Rest Framework: redirect to Amazon S3 fails when using Token Authentication

Java - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

Why is my javascript bundle so slow to download?

Read Browser/Client time from Http Servlet request header

IIS7: set "no-cache" for all aspx pages but not images/css/js