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New posts in html5-audio

How do I generate this tick sound in JavaScript?

Chrome browser: GET favicon.ico each time an audio object is played

HTML5 Audio iPAD, Cannot play audio file ?

ios ipad html html5-audio

How to use HTML5 Web Audio API to record my voice [closed]

Using <audio> element for playback of raw audio

Seeking HTML5 audio element causes delay (breaks sync)

Play audio file of any format in any browser

What is the maximum number of outputs for a Web Audio Context and Buffer

html5 video does not play from localhost

Web Audio API analyser node getByteFrequencyData returning blank array

How do I compress multiple Web Audio sources/tracks into one?

Play SoundCloud stream uri in HTML 5 mp3 player (audio.js)

Autoplay property in audio element working sporadicaly

javascript html html5-audio

Playing streaming music stops when a new song starts using audio html5 tag in Chrome and Firefox

HTML5: Playing live Opus audio frames without browser plug-in

Best way to embed audio in a webpage?

HTML5 audio not playing multiple times in Android 4.0.4 device Native Browser

Blocked attempt to create a WebMediaPlayer as there are too many WebMediaPlayers already in existence