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New posts in hsqldb

List all sequences in HsqlDB 1.8

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Copy data between different databases (both are jdbc supported)

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Trigger Syntax on HsqlDB : expected ;

Unit tests of Hibernate based code on top of hsqldb no longer work on hsqldb 2.2.9

java hibernate jdbc hsqldb

hsqldb : Database lock acquisition when connecting to a file db

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Upserting a row into an hsqldb table using the MERGE SQL statement

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Using Different Hibernate User Types in Different Situations

Missing Sequences in HSQL for testing

HSQLDB - user lacks privilege or object not found: SQLState(42501) vendor code(-5501)

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Is it possible to backup and restore HSQLDB database?

How to use Oracle SQLdeveloper with HSQL / Hypersonic DB's JDBC driver

HSQL: Creating index if not existing


Using HSQL for .NET development and related questions of process

Is there a way to stop Hibernate from corrupting boolean literals in @Where annotations?

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Running a script to create tables with HSQLDB

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Is there a way to silence hsqldb logging?

java hsqldb

hibernate - could not execute statement; SQL [n/a] - saving nested object

How to retrieve previously auto-generated PK ID value using JDBC and HSQLDB

java jdbc hsqldb

ConstraintViolationException: NOT NULL when using Spring, HSQL and Hibernate

java sql spring hibernate hsqldb

How do I determine the DataSource being used by a Hibernate Session?

java hibernate junit hsqldb