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Getting Jersey 1.x and 2.x to coexist

How do I properly configure an EntityManager in a jersey / hk2 application?

No ServiceLocatorGenerator installed Error while Running Tests in Dropwizard

jersey guice dropwizard hk2

@Immediate annotation use in Jersey2

java jersey-2.0 hk2

jersey + grizzly + hk2: Dependency injection, but not into resource

How to get HK2 ServiceLocator in Jersey 2.12?

java rest jersey-2.0 hk2

How do I inject constants with hk2 in jersey 2.0?

How do I get a reference to the Jackson Object Mapper in a jersey2 / hk2 application

HK2 Factory invoked prior to Jersey filter when @Context is used for setter/field/constructor injection

Jersey 2.6 REST Service upgraded to Java 8 tomcat 8 exception:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.validation.Configuration.getBootstrapConfiguration

Jersey 2.x Custom Injection Annotation With Attributes

HK2 failure has been detected in a code that does not run in an active Jersey Error scope

Trouble creating a simple singleton class in Jersey 2 using built-in Jersey dependency injection

What is the relationship between Weld and HK2

glassfish cdi weld hk2

UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at SystemInjecteeImpl

Why does HK2 repackage everything?

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0