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New posts in hierarchical-data

Logic for displaying infinite category tree in nested <ul>s from Self Join Table

How can I create a simple Select for a self referential table?

Producing a path from each node to the root of a tree represented as edges in a table

Relational v Hierarchical data models

SQL Query to get records of parent table that have a list of child records

Design Relational Database - Use hierarchical datamodels or avoid them?

MySQL hierarchical data help - Closure Table Method

Excluding results that appear in another column of a CONNECT BY query

Between/within standard deviations

RavenDB and hierarchical documents

SQL Hierarchy - Resolve full path for all ancestors of a given node

Implementing Nested Order Set in MySQL/PHP

IHierarchyData and IHierarchicalEnumerable in Winforms

SQL Server 2005 database design - many-to-many relationships with hierarchy

Find node level in a tree

PHP - How to access a deep array's contents, building the path to it dynamically

How to optimize A* (AStar) Search for Concave Shapes? (includes screenshots)

Rendering a tree from a closure table SELECT statement?