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New posts in hex

Parsing a little endian hex string to decimal

javascript hex endianness

How do you convert a hexadecimal of type string to number in JS?

javascript hex byte

Why are binary numbers almost always grouped in 4 bits?

assembly binary hex nibble

How do I replace characters not in range [0x5E10, 0x7F35] with '*' in PHP?

php regex hex

Encoding/decoding string in hexadecimal and back

php string unicode hex

Convert Integer Value to Hexadecimal in Ada

hex ada

C#: bytes to UTF-8 string conversion. Why doesn't it work?

Check whether a list of hexadecimal values is sequential or not

Difference between passing string "0x30" and hexadecimal number 0x30 to hex() function

perl decimal hex

How to merge two Hex numbers to one number and then convert it into decimal.?

c merge numbers hex decimal

How to generate a color based on an alphanumeric string using Ruby?

ruby colors hex

Integer to Hexadecimal Conversion in Python

python int hex

Convert opacity to hex in Javascript

javascript hex

C# Converting delphi TColor to color (Hex)

c# delphi colors hex

How would I create a hex dump utility in C++?

c++ hex binaryfiles dump utility

store hex value (0x45E213) in an integer

Random 32 hexadecimal digits in Python

python hex

How would you reverse engineer this?

Why use hex values instead of normal base 10 numbers?

java c hex math.sqrt

Algorithm Question: Need to dynamically INCREMENT from 00FF00 to FF0000 over TIME, C#/Java

algorithm colors hex