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Implementation of an ArrayWritable for a custom Hadoop type

hadoop mapreduce

Hadoop job tracker only accessible from localhost


Where do I install a jdbc driver on ubuntu?

How to set hadoop input format to NLineInputFormat?

java hadoop mapreduce

How to run distributed shell application given in Hadoop 0.23.0 source example

java hadoop

Hadoop MR: better to have compressed input files or raw files?

Hadoop Cascading - create flow with one source, two sinks

hadoop mapreduce cascading

How do I view my Hadoop job history and logs using CDH4 and Yarn?

Install mahout on ubuntu 12.04 - E: Unable to locate package mahout

Why Hive is not supporting Stored Procedure?

sql-server hadoop hbase hive

Hive: Creating smaller table from big table

hadoop hive

How to use MultipleInput class in mapreduce?

java hadoop mapreduce

Creating Impala external table from a partitioned file structure

hadoop bigdata cloudera impala

Where is the source code for apache hadoop examples

Error in addInputPath of MapReduce Driver

Oozie jobs struck in running state

java hadoop oozie

Create Scalding Source like TextLine that combines multiple files into single mappers

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.addDeprecation


Hadoop -mkdir : - Could not create the Java Virtual Machine

hadoop hdfs

Hadoop setting fsPermission recursively to dir using Java

java hadoop hdfs