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How do i set an Object as the Value for Map output in Hadoop MapReduce?

hadoop jar ignores specified main class [closed]

java hadoop jar

How to use hive with multiple users

hadoop hive

hadoop wordcount Unsuppored Major.Minor version 51.0 ERROR

java hadoop mapreduce

How HDFS calculate the available blocks?

hadoop hdfs

Post hook for Elastic MapReduce

It seems as though you are running sqoop with a JRE - But JAVA_HOME set to JDK

hadoop java sqoop

Runtimeexception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: tfidf$Reduce.<init>()

unable to determine zookeeper ensemble health

How to pass an argument to the main program in Hadoop

java hadoop mapreduce

extracting non-matching records between files in Pig Latin

hadoop apache-pig latin

native-lzo library not available on Hadoop datanodes

hadoop lzo

Group by a generated column

sql hadoop hive

Oozie String wf:errorCode(String node) how to check empty?

hadoop oozie

Namenode format does not free up datanode disk space

hadoop hdfs

<job-tracker> and <name-node> in oozie pig configuraction action - where can i find them?

hadoop apache-pig oozie

Can Hadoop tasks run in parallel on single node

hadoop hadoop-yarn

copy files from FTP to HDFS

hadoop ftp

HIVE Creating Table not null

hadoop db2 hive apache-pig

Analytics in Elasticsearch