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New posts in gulp-uglify

Gulp, concat and uglify files and concat with vendor

Concatenated and uglified Javascript file larger than source files

How can I generate valid Source Maps with Gulp, Uglify & Concat?

Debugging variables not working with gulp sourcemaps + uglify

how to debug gulp-sourcemaps not doing anything?

Gulp uglify fails with js parse error

Gulp - Minify JS and write to same destination

Gulp Uglify Options not applying

How can I get current configuration (Debug/Release) of VS15 in gulpfile.js?

A lot of warnings with webpack uglify

How to Minify ES6 Using Gulp

Gulp bundle then minify

how to uglify javascript classes?

Uglify Minify and generate source map with Gulp

Gulp-sourcemaps not creating a sourcemap file?

javascript gulp gulp-uglify

Uglification failed. Unexpected character '`'

gulp gulp-uglify tvml tvjs

Gulp uglify unable to handle arrow functions

Uglify throws Parse error

gulp gulp-uglify