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New posts in guava

Is there an easy way to call sleep and propagate exception

java guava

Should you avoid Guavas Ordering.usingToString()?

java guava effective-java

Automatic cache refresh with Guava

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Zip two lists into an immutable multimap in Java 8 with Guava?

TreeMultimap in Google Collections

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Does Google-Collections work with GWT?

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Google collections presentation slides on the web?

java guava

How do I iterate over multiple lists in parallel in Java? [duplicate]

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Removing duplicates without overriding hashCode() [duplicate]

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Create a string-capable Guava Splitter

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Predicate<T> method equals()

java guava

How to remedy error caused by guava: Program type already present: com.google.common.util.concurrent.internal.InternalFutures

guava android-guava

Are there helper classes that implement logical operations on boolean collections in any of the standard libraries?

java collections boolean guava

Is it possible to combine Guava's ForwardingListIterator with a PeekingIterator?

JSON: Serialize Guava Optional

Event bus subscription issue (Otto - Guava event bus)

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Is there IdentitySetMultimap in guava or somewhere else?

How to use Guava Optional as "naturally covariant object"

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What's the difference between Apache Commons Bag and Guava MultiSet?

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Guava: ImmutableSet of either values or an empty set

java guava