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New posts in guava

sbt assembly shading to create fat jar to run on spark

Guava concurrency tutorials/code [closed]

java concurrency guava

Trie implementation in Guava?

java guava trie

How to put() values into Guava's Cache class?

java guava

best way to combine guava eventbus and AWT Event thread handling

java awt guava

Why do Guava classes provide so many factory methods instead of just one that takes varargs? [duplicate]

readResolve not working ? : an instance of Guava's SerializedForm appears

Lightweight caching solution in Scala?

scala guava

Equivalent in java 8 from guava Enums.getIfPresent() that will return java.util.Optional?

java-8 guava optional

Guava Ticker Cache expire

testing guava ticker

Why jersey repackaged guava?

jersey guava

Jar size of Guava dependency - is there a small version?

Resolve a path name with .. parent directory specifiers ("dot dot") without resolving symlinks

Annotations vs. Interface in Guava EventBus

guava multimap that uses TreeMap not HashMap?

java guava

Why doesn't ImmutableMap.builder().build() pick the correct type parameters?

java guava

Why does guava Multimap.values() return a flat collection instead of a collection of collections?

java collections guava

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable.toList()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;

how to convert java Future<V> to guava ListenableFuture<V>

Defining a set of ground-rules for high-performance data structures (java)