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New posts in guava

Is there a way to use a for-each construction for a Guava Table?

java foreach guava

Using Jersey 2.1 with CDI

The best way to collect the Java-8 Stream to Guava ImmutableList

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How to chain Guava futures?

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Guava: MemoizingSupplier thread safety

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Guava MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap() vs WeakHashMap

Using generics with collection of enum classes implementing same interface

java generics enums guava

Guava: Where is CharEscaper?

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Concurrent map with weak keys

use Guava CharMatcher as a static fields in a class . Is CharMatcher thread safe?

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Why should Objects.requireNonNull() not be used if com.google.common from Guava is used?

java guava

Effective Java: Safety of Forwarding Classes

Using Guava in a Maven GWT Project

gwt maven guava

Create a Google Guava Cache using a complex key

caching guava

Google Guava / providing functional collection-type implementations [closed]

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Java6, Guava, generics, type inference

How to convert recursion into iteration with LoadingCache?

Unwrapping a Guava Optional in a single expression

java guava

Guava Splitter with multiple split parameters

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Replace Futures.successfulAsList with Java 8 CompletableFuture?