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Jenkins...Modify XML Tag value in xml file using Groovy in Jenkins

jenkins groovy

How to handle unsigned shorts/ints/longs in Java

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How to create an array with a JsonBuilder in groovy

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java.io.File.plus() is applicable for arguments types: (java.lang.String) value: [\] in Ready API

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How to programmatically approve Jenkins System Groovy Script

jenkins groovy

Groovy multiline shell script in Jenkins sh step does not return stdout

jenkins groovy

Spock performance problems

How to pass a groovy variable to a shell block jenkins

jenkins groovy

How to run git diff-tree against master branch in jenkins?

How to enable HTTPS on a SpringBoot 2.0.5 application

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Gradle cannot overwrite task with overwrite:true

Groovy mock Java class with parameters

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Bind a java class as a closure into a groovy-script

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how do i set up a grails environment variable

How do I limit the number of results when using the Java driver for mongo db?

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Groovy/Grails code cleanup suggestions, please!

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Grails Integration Test Does NOT Rollback

How to make a Groovy class looks as Map to Java code without implementing Map interface explicitly

In Groovy, is there a way to know the name of a variable holding a closure?

grails groovy map closures

Groovy Concept of Closure

groovy closures