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New posts in grails-domain-class

Grails Integration Test Does NOT Rollback

Grails createCriteria group by (groupProperty function) multiple attributes

How can I use embedded GORM classes in Grails?

Custom Grails validation

Grails How to call service from static method of domain class?

Grails: Creating classes that you do not want to store on the DB

GORM events not firing in integration tests

Referencing domain objects from external grails project - Method on class [] was used outside of a Grails applications

How to adjust constraints / DB mapping for Map within grails domain class

How can I have an optional one-to-one relationship in GORM?

Accessing DB Without Domain Classes With Grails

Grails Command Objects custom Validate Message Codes

When should hasMany be used for N:1 relationships in grails domain classes?

Unable to use addTo with hasmany grails domain

How do I create and XOR validation for two fields in a Grails domain class?

How do I fake a validation error?

What is a good workflow for database migration in Grails?

How can I change column name convention in Grails?