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Why a short variable declaration in an else if statement doesn't fail to compile even though no new variable is being defined on the left side?

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Why does ANTLR require all or none alternatives be labeled?

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Why does Python's grammar specification not include docstrings and comments?

What are some exotic parsing techniques?

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Should I use proper punctuation for single sentence alert/notification popups?

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init-declarator-list and the GNU GCC attribute grammar

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How to transform a production to LL(1) for a list separated by a semicolon?

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Parsing unordered sequence with parsing expression grammar

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Bison/YACC - avoid reduce/reduce conflict with two negation rules

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Converting a grammar into LL(1) grammar: some problems

how typedef-name - identifier issue is resolved in C?

Parsing of optionals with PEG (Grako) falling short?

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Writing parser rules sensitive to whitespace while skipping WS from the lexer

antlr grammar antlr4

ANTLR4 using HIDDEN channel causes errors while using skip does not

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Perl Regex Grammar For ANTLR Use

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Grammar rules for comments

AnTLR4: INDENT and DEDENT tokens

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