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New posts in grails

Grails 3.0.1 and Hibernate Session error

grails grails-orm

Redirect location includes ":80" when X-Forwarded-Proto is https

Is it possible to use aggregate functions and property in Projections, Criteria, Grails?

Grails 3 logging in src folder not injecting log object

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Config.groovy in Grails: environments.production.grails.serverURL


compile-time checking in Groovy

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how to create dummy data for unit test?

unit-testing grails groovy

Is this a valid use of Grails transients?

Deploy Grails to a Sub-Context Path

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Grails: <g:select


grails remote form, multiple submits, with javascript

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Grails layouts not applied on a 404 UrlMapping


Grails Mail plugin not working

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How to redirect from a controller using a named URL mapping?

how can i convert my grails application from http to https under Linux operating system?


Is GWT OK for this? if so, what´s the best back-end java technology that we can use?

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Grails dependency injection via autowiring doesn't work

Grails checkbox simple question

grails checkbox

Saving and Querying a Date in GORM Grails

grails date grails-orm

Calling REST WS from command line