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Is GWT OK for this? if so, what´s the best back-end java technology that we can use?

I´ve been developing web appplications using Microsoft technologies for a long time, but now I´m been asked for building a VERY BIG application on a Java Web project. For some reason, I´m being forced for using GWT as the front-end; I´ve read some comments about it where some people says that is not the best option for big/enterprise applications (In this case, is something almost as complex as an ERP). Another requirements are: allow connecting to multiple databases, using a technology for rapid development and having a low performance cost (users don´t like to wait for pages to load)...

So the questions would be: - Is GWT the best option? - If so, what´s the best back-end (Java technology) that we can use? I´ve read that it could be Groovy, Spring Roo or JSF. - Should I user Hibernate, or creating another light-weight option?

Thanks in advance

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Jorge Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 11:02


1 Answers

GWT is a serious framework no matter if it's used for big or small project. Before committing to GWT you have to realize that:

  • it's a client(browser)-based technology
  • it's a translation layer from Java to JavaScript where JavaScript development is either eliminated or reduced to a minimum
  • it's capable of integrating with server (middle tier), especially well with Java-based ones no matter what technology it uses: JDBC, Hibernate, GAE, proprietary, etc.
  • it's tailored toward Java/desktop developers so expect steep learning curve if it's not your background
  • it requires fundamental understanding of MVP (variation of MVC) frameworks
  • it requires familiarity with JavaScript browser technology
  • big projects with GWT will require using supporting frameworks like GWT MVP, Guice, gin, gwtp, etc.

The good analogy would be Swing or Eclipse RCP. They offer rich GUI desktop development platform while integration with variety of server-based technologies. But the target platform for GWT is a JavaScript-enabled browser, not a desktop.

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topchef Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 10:04
