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How do I configure a grails domain class attribute to be stored as (postgres 9.4) jsonb?

GORM Data Services VS Grails Services

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Grails GORM Criteria Query Eager Fetching

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No owner defined between domain classes: many to many relationship

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Abstract domain classes in GORM: how to deal with static GORM methods

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How can I tell if a Grails/GORM domain instance has been deleted in the current tx (Hibernate)?

How to know who is the parent in a Grails hasMany relationship?

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Grails one-many mapping stalestaleexception on composite key

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In Grails (GORM), how to override a constraint name


Many-to-Many link tables in grails (GORM) / hibernate

distinct result in Hibernate Query in grails with pagination using association

Unable to use addTo with hasmany grails domain

o.errors.allErrors.each { println it } by default when failing to save a domain object

Can't create grails Criteria query containing a belongsTo relation

Grails Gorm : Object references an unsaved transient instance

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Grails groupProperty and order. How it works?

grails grails-orm ora-00979

Grails request parameters encoding issue in Tomcat

Table creation fails

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Grails Reverse Engineer Database

Grails validation of a list objects