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New posts in google-sheets-formula

Simple way to choose random cell from a list in Google Sheets

How do you count cells with a certain partial string?

How do I return multiple columns of data using ImportXML in Google Spreadsheets?

XPath to get all text in element as one value, removing line breaks

Highlight cell if value is present in any cell in another column

How to prefix Plus sign "+" before the number if the value is negative in Google Sheets or MS Excel?

Copy cell from every nth row

Is it possible to assign conditional formatting to a named range in Google Sheets?

Getting the count and unique values of a column of comma separated values?

The last & the first day of a month in Google Sheets

Combining multiple spreadsheets in one using IMPORTRANGE

Google Sheet IMPORTRANGE Error "Import Range internal error" When Range is just a column

SUMIF with FIND as criteria

Google Sheets count how many cells contain a specific word / words?

Google Sheets COUNTIF / COUNTIFS formulas based on multiple criteria

How to insert hyperlink to a cell in Google sheet using formula? [duplicate]

Google Spreadsheet multiple column filter using OR

Force google sheet formula to recalculate

Google Spreadsheets: Alternating Background Color on Value Change?

Periodically refresh IMPORTXML() spreadsheet function