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New posts in google-sheets-query

How to add and highlight rows on input of particular column in Google Sheet

Problems with Query Command ORDER BY in Google Sheets

How to create INDIRECT array string of multiple sheet references in Google Sheets?

Multiple Sort ( ORDER BY ) within Query in Google Sheets

ImportRange Function to Ignore Empty Cells

SELECT DISTINCT for only one Column in Google Sheets Query

QUERY function with one result returns value beneath the formula cell


Extracting the top five maximum unique values

Google Sheets query date > today()

QUERY using cell contents as SQL variables

In Google Sheets, How do I find the row number of a cell with certain text in it?

How to query multiple sheets and merge the data?

How to use CONCAT in QUERY?

Google Sheets query doesn't display all values

Getting the count and unique values of a column of comma separated values?

Using MIN() inside ARRAYFORMULA()

Google Sheets: How to replace text in column header?

QUERY syntax using cell reference

Google SpreadSheet Query: Can I remove column header?