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New posts in google-query-language

Google Sheet Query - Group / concatenate multiple rows

Why do I have to also SELECT an aggregate column to be able to use GROUP BY, if the only SELECTed column is already in GROUP BY?

Skipping for Query

Quotation marks and apostrophes in the same string in QUERY Google Sheets function

ImportRange Function to Ignore Empty Cells

Google Sheets - Query Multiple Columns With Custom Labels

Google Query Language Concatenation

Google Query - "NOT LIKE" Statement Doesn't work

I got this message (CANNOT_GROUP_WITHOUT_AGG) from a simple query

Is there a way to insert blank columns in output with google sheets query?

Google Sheets Query Language: escape apostrophe

How do I filter view two columns OR instead of AND?

Google spreadsheet "=QUERY" join() equivalent function?

Google SpreadSheet Query: Can I remove column header?