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Can I use gcloud activate-service-account with impersonation (not static keys)?

Want to assign multiple Google cloud IAM roles against a service account via terraform

I am trying to give Project Creator role to a service account from IAM in GCP

What Service Account Does GKE Use to Access GCR

What is the role which allows to use GCP APIs (such as Drive, Sheets, etc)?

What are the differences between GCP service accounts and user accounts?

GCP Command to Read All User's Permissions

Find out last activity of Service Account Key in GCP IAM

Bucket query permission denied in GCP despite service-account having the Owner role

GCE Service Account with Compute Instance Admin permissions

Call Cloud Run from Cloud Function: IAM Authentication

Google Cloud: How to list granted permission for user or service account?

Stackdriver Error reporting for Ruby, running on GKE

GCP: How to grant a role to a service account on a Firestore collection?

Restricting user access for VM in gcp

GCP Deployment Manager: 403 does not have storage.buckets.get access

invalid image name in cloud build when using domain-scoped project

You need permissions for this action. Required permission(s): resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy

GCP - Impersonate service account as a user

Google Cloud Run Authentication Service-to-Service