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New posts in firebase-security

Salt/Hash for Firebase Simple Login?

firebase security rules not working as expected

"Catch all other" Firebase database rule

Allow Firebase Storage Bucket to be accessed only by some users

Firestore rules, what is a collection and a document?

How do I restrict writes to a document owned by a user in Firestore?

Firebase Firestore prevent client side creation of fields in a document

FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions with react js

How do I turn my Firebase Firestore project from test mode into Production mode for my iOS project?

Firebase insufficient permissions for .doc().get()

get UID of recently created user on Firebase

Firebase auth state persists on client, but not on hard refresh

Firebase Analytics key and value limitation to 24 and 36 character

Firebase Database Rule that compares timestamp to 00:00:00 of today?

How to validate that value is an Integer with Firebase rules

Firebase Database Rules for groups

Firebase database rules – `data.exists()` always seems to be true, possible bug?

Firestore rules on subcollection

Firestore Security Rules - How Do I Use a Variable for a Field Name?

In Firebase storage, can I use db "get" rules?