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New posts in go-modules

Best way to use test dependencies in Go but prevent export them

go testing go-modules

How can I persist go 1.11 modules in a Docker container?

How do I properly use go modules in vscode?

go mod vendor without update to latest

go go-modules

Error with Go modules build using /cmd structure

go go-modules

Go Modules - naming convention of directories and packages

go module go-modules

How to Structure Golang Modules and Project structure in the New way

go go-modules

What are the implications of using the "go" version directive within a go module file (go.mod)

go go-modules

How do I refactor module name in Go?

go refactoring go-modules

Why there are two "require" blocks in go.mod since Go 1.17?

go go-modules

Goland does not recognise my vendor directory with Go 1.14

go goland go-modules

Find version of a module

go go-modules gomock

Unknown subcommand "mod" error while running go mod init

go go-modules

Cannot determine module path for source directory

go go-modules

How to access nested modules (submodules) in Go?

go go-modules

go build keeps complaining that: go.mod has post-v0 module path

go go-modules

Completely remove a package installed with "go get"?

Using "go get" to download binaries without adding them to go.mod

go go-modules

Using subpackages with go mod locally

How to fix Go build error "can't load package" with Go modules?

go go-modules go-build