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New posts in gnu-make

Function in prerequisite

makefile gnu-make

Calling a Windows batch file from a GNUMakeFile

cygwin gnu-make

GNU make: add a file as a dependency only if it doesn't exist yet

makefile gnu-make

Set GCC path in makefile

c++ c++11 gcc makefile gnu-make

How can I fix this fatal exception?

I need help trimming down dependencies in a makefile

makefile gnu-make

Gnu make on multiple host machine?

Capitalize first letter of string in Makefile using bash 4 syntax

Where to put things (CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS) on Makefile?

c++ c c++11 makefile gnu-make

GNU Make grouped targets are not grouped

makefile gnu-make

mutually-exclusive job scheduling in GNU make?

GNU make: inverting sub-process success?

makefile gnu-make

Makefile: rule with the same name as subdirectory ignored

makefile gnu-make

Using a $ literal in a GNUMakefile path

makefile gnu-make

Examples for "How make file is read"

makefile gnu-make

Add the installation prefix of "Qt5UiTools" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH

Makefile: prevent infinite pattern recursion

makefile gnu-make

GNU make: variable for command line arguments

makefile gnu-make

How to do variadic macros with $(call ...) in GNU Make

ifdef command not found (GNU make 3.81)
